Blue Dolphin

Mooring and Storage in Fiumicino - Rome

A true home for your boat

Blue Dolphin Services

The Blue Dolphin is a private marina based in Fiumicino, on the outskirts of Rome, which offers all the services the modern sailor needs to make the most of their boat: annual berth, mooring for boats in transit, a food & beverage facilities in a restaurant overlooking the quay and in the bar & bistro area on the Tiber. The services on the marina are complemented by the renowned boatyard, which offers outdoor and indoor boat storage and all technical maintenance and refitting services.

“Boating in Italy is like a jungle: there’s a lack of competence, and no transparency towards the customer or reliability. But our country could potentially live off this sector. We’re trying to change things”.

Domenico Ricciardi, owner and CEO of Blue Dolphin

Our features

  • 500 metres of docks
  • 100 seats available at our restaurant
  • 100 berths with the capacity to accommodate units up to 30 metres overall
  • Boatyard with 50 tonne lifting crane
  • 1500 sqm of covered storage in the depot
  • 3000 sqm of outdoor storage in our yards
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Active and present on the Tiber River since the 1970s, specifically in Fiumicino, the Blue Dolphin has always been committed to welcoming pleasure boaters, offering a safe and welcoming mooring place at the gates of Rome, complete with all the services necessary for you to enjoy your boat to the full. The marina is divided into two docks for mooring English boats, manned by competent and reliable staff and monitored by a night watchman 7 days a week. The docks can accommodate about one hundred boats of any type and length, up to a maximum of 30 metres. The boatyard has a crane with a capacity of 50 tonnes to accommodate boats of all types in the two depots and yards dedicated to boat storage. A team of technicians specialised in boat maintenance and all works required by Shipowners operates within the boatyard.


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